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A professional business should look professional. New business owners often invest a great deal of time and money in buying property and equipment, but often overlook the need to design a suitable, amiable logo.  Mind that the design is the most important aspect of any company logo and cannot be overlooked. It is the first impression consumers get when engaging with your company.

When executed correctly, a logo can be a great benefit to your brand.  When you think of the some of the largest companies in the world and their logos, their logos speak for themselves. McDonalds, Apple and Nike are all instantly identifiable by their modest but effective logos. Whatever the size of your business, you need a sign that speaks volumes about you and your business. However, creating a visual representation of a brand requires more than just knowledge of graphic design; it requires plenty of practice and experience.

So what’s the secret to designing a ‘perfect’ logo? We’ve outlined 7 things you should consider when designing an effective, captivating logo. Follow closely as these tips are VERY important.

  1. Preliminary Sketches:

    Preliminary sketches is the first step you can take to design an effective, captivating log.  Take a pen and paper and sketch out 8-10 ideas. If nothing seems to work, start over again and begin sketching new ideas. If you are  not the best in drawing by hand, use Adobe Illustrator.

  2. Maintain Balance:

    Balance is significant to logo design. The weight of graphics, colours, and size must be balanced on each side of the paper. The logo will be viewed by the masses and you need to create a logo that balances the interests of everyone, and not just those who have an eye for great art.

  3. Bigger is not always better:

    Many people believe that if the logo is big in size, it will impress the audience. A bigger logo does not necessarily mean a better logo.

  4. Don’t Overcrowd:

    The next time you are watching television, look closely at how the logos are positioned on the screen. In particular, you may want to look at the giant logos that pop up at the top right of the screen, hiding some of the language and some of the faces that you are watching on television. Bigger logos are a distraction and will only leave a negative impact.

  5. Avoid Raster Images:

    The standard practice is to use Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw, vector graphic software programs, to design a professional logo. A pixeled logo  designed through Adobe Photoshop is not advisable because of resolution problems.  Try creating it yourself, and then try to zoom in a bit. Is the image usable when zoomed in?

    Always ensure that your logo is adaptable and scalable. Ask yourself the questions: 1) will it work in black white? 2) Will it scale? and 3) Will the details be lost in smaller sizes?

  6. Distinctive:

    Your logo must be original and distinctive. If potential customers can’t remember your logo, you have a big problem. You do not want your competition to sport the same symbol as your business. If you are not careful, this could happen to you.

    Be forewarned that many logo design firms online sell the same logo designs to multiple buyers, making only slight changes. You are better off buying a customized logo from a company with a high reputability.

  7. Target:

    All too often businesses target themselves rather than their consumers when designing a logo.  The question here is: who are you trying to impress? Yourself or Your Clients?

    Remember that the whole point of a logo is to build recognition. The ultimate goal of all businesses is for the average person to instantly call the brand to mind. The following tips will help you better design a logo that will not only impress, but make you recognizable.


A good logo design is one of the key ways to distinctively establish your company in the marketplace. Logo designs should thereby be powerful, but not overly complex, and make an almost prompt and notable impact.
Business Media has created some of the attractive graphic designs and logo designs you will ever see. We produce neat, chic, personalized logo design to help present your brand in the most attractive, inimitable and visually appealing way possible. Click here to view our portfolio page.

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